Monday, August 19, 2019

Things To Remember While Dealing With Quit Claim Deed In Ohio

One of the major types of property transfer deeds, a quit claim deed is mainly used to transfer property. Ohio residents must fill in the quitclaim deed form and sign it in front of a notary and in case of couples, the spouse musts sign the Dower Waiver release form. Here are certain things to remember while dealing with a quit claim deed template.
  • It is used to convey an interest in real property legally. It transfers whatever interest the grantor may have in the real property to another person.
  • These deeds are mainly used during gift transactions or to transfer property from one spouse to the other after a divorce
  • There are two ways to get the form- either county recorder's office or download one from an online source. There are printable quit claim deed forms available that are easy to use and can be customized as well.   These forms are basically one-page documents identifying the grantor (person owning the property), the grantee (person receiving the property) and the property itself. Just fill the form and sign at required places.
  • If you are married, to quitclaim your interest, your spouse must sign the Dower Waiver portion of the quitclaim deed. In front of the notary, both of you should sign the form to make it legally work.
  • Ohio charges a property tax. You need to pay the tax or claim an exemption with the county auditor. After this, you have to get the auditor's stamp to show that you have dealt with the tax issue.
  • Last but not the least, pay the county recording fees, and quitclaim deed is to be recorded at the county recorder's office.
For more information about getting a quitclaim deed in Wisconsin and quitclaim deed in New York, please visit this website.

Read more articles about quit claim deed form here at -

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